

Some imports to work with rest api calls:

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from adhocracy_core.resources.process import IProcess
>>> from adhocracy_core.resources.document import IDocument

Start adhocracy app and log in some users:

>>> app_god = getfixture('app_god')
>>> app_god.base_path = '/'

Lets create some content:

>>> data = {'': {'name': 'process'}}
>>> resp = app_god.post_resource('/', IProcess, data)
>>> data = {}
>>> resp = app_god.post_resource('/process', IDocument, data)


Workflows are finite state machines assigned to a resource. States can set the local permissions. States can have metadata (title, date,...). State transitions can have a callable to execute arbitrary tasks.

The MetaAPI gives us the states and transitions metadata for each workflow:

>>> resp = app_god.get('/meta_api').json
>>> workflow = resp['workflows']['sample']

State metadata contains a human readable title:

>>> state = workflow['states']['participate']
>>> state['title']

a description:

>>> state['description']
'This phase is...

a local ACM (see doc:glossary) that is set when entering this state:

>>> state['acm']['principals']
['participant', ...
>>> state['acm']['permissions']

a hint for the frontend if displaying this state in listing should be restricted:

>>> state['display_only_to_roles']

The initial workflow state:

>>> workflow['initial_state']

Transition metadata determines the possible state flow and can provide a callable to execute arbitrary tasks:

>>> transition = workflow['transitions']['to_frozen']
>>> pprint(transition)
{'callback': None,
 'from_state': 'participate',
 'permission': 'do_transition',
 'to_state': 'frozen'}

Workflow Assignment

Pool have a WorkflowAssignment sheet to get the registered workflow:

>>> resp = app_god.get('/process/').json
>>> workflow_data = resp['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.workflow.IWorkflowAssignment']
>>> workflow_data['workflow']

and get the current state:

>>> workflow_data['workflow_state']

in addition it can have custom metadata for specific workflow states:

>>> workflow_data['state_data']

this metadata can be set:

>>> data = {'data': {'adhocracy_core.sheets.workflow.IWorkflowAssignment':  {'state_data':
...                  [{'name': 'participate', 'description': 'new',
...                    'start_date': '2015-05-26T12:40:49.638293+00:00'}]
...         }}}
>>> resp = app_god.put('/process', data)
>>> resp.status_code

>>> resp = app_god.get('/process').json
>>> workflow_data = resp['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.workflow.IWorkflowAssignment']
>>> pprint(workflow_data['state_data'][0])
{'description': 'new',
 'name': 'participate',
 'start_date': '2015-05-26T12:40:49.638293+00:00'}

Workflow transition to states

We can also modify the state if the workflow has a suitable transition. First we check the available next states:

>>> resp = app_god.options('/process').json
>>> resp['PUT']['request_body']['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.workflow.IWorkflowAssignment']
{'workflow_state': ['frozen']}

Then we can put the wanted next state:

>>> data = {'data': {'adhocracy_core.sheets.workflow.IWorkflowAssignment': {'workflow_state': 'frozen'}}}
>>> resp = app_god.put('/process', data)
>>> resp.status_code
>>> resp = app_god.get('/process').json
>>> resp['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.workflow.IWorkflowAssignment']['workflow_state']

NOTE: The available next states depend on the workflow transitions and user permissions. NOTE: To make this work every state may have only one transition to another state.

Workflow State filtering

Filtering Pools allow to search for resource with specific workflow state:

>>> resp_data = app_god.get('/', {'workflow_state': 'WRONG'}).json
>>> pprint(resp_data['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.pool.IPool']['elements'])
>>> resp_data = app_god.get('/', {'workflow_state': 'frozen'}).json
>>> pprint(resp_data['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.pool.IPool']['elements'])