User Registration and Login


Some imports to work with rest api calls:

>>> from copy import copy
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from adhocracy_core.testing import broken_header

Start adhocracy app and log in some users:

>>> anonymous = getfixture('app_anonymous')
>>> participant = getfixture('app_participant')
>>> moderator = getfixture('app_moderator')
>>> admin = getfixture('app_admin')

Test that the relevant resources and sheets exist:

>>> resp = anonymous.get('/meta_api').json
>>> 'adhocracy_core.sheets.versions.IVersions' in resp['sheets']
>>> 'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IUserBasic' in resp['sheets']
>>> 'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IUserExtended' in resp['sheets']
>>> 'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IPasswordAuthentication' in resp['sheets']

User Creation (Registration)

A new user is registered by creating a user object under the /principals/users pool. On success, the response contains the path of the new user:

>>> data = {'content_type': 'adhocracy_core.resources.principal.IUser',
...         'data': {
...              'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IUserBasic': {
...                  'name': 'Anna Müller'},
...              'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IUserExtended': {
...                  'email': 'anna@example.org'},
...              'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IPasswordAuthentication': {
...                  'password': 'EckVocUbs3'}}}
>>> resp = anonymous.post('/principals/users', data).json
>>> resp['content_type']
>>> user_path = resp['path']
>>> user_path

The “name” field in the “IUserBasic” schema is a non-empty string that can contain any characters except ‘@’ (to make user names distinguishable from email addresses). The username must not contain any whitespace except single spaces, preceded and followed by non-whitespace (no whitespace at begin or end, multiple subsequent spaces are forbidden, tabs and newlines are forbidden).

The “email” field in the “IUserExtended” sheet must be a valid email address.

Creating a new user will not automatically log them in. First, the backend will send a registration message to the specified email address. Once the user has clicked on the activation link in the message, the user account is ready to be used (see “Account Activation” below).

On failure, the backend responds with status code 400 and an error message. E.g. when we try to register a user with an empty password:

>>> data = {'content_type': 'adhocracy_core.resources.principal.IUser',
...         'data': {
...              'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IUserBasic': {
...                  'name': 'Other User'},
...              'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IUserExtended': {
...                  'email': 'annina@example.org'},
...              'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IPasswordAuthentication': {
...                  'password': ''}}}
>>> resp = anonymous.post('/principals/users', data)
>>> resp.status_code
>>> pprint(resp.json)
{'errors': [{'description': 'Required',
             'location': 'body',
             'name': 'data.adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IPasswordAuthentication.password'}],
 'status': 'error'}

<errors> is a list of errors. The above error indicates that a required field (the password field) is missing or empty. The following other error conditions can occur:

  • username does already exist
  • email does already exist
  • email is invalid (doesn’t look like an email address)
  • couldn’t send a registration mail to the email address (description starts with ‘Cannot send registration mail’)
  • password is too short (less than 6 chars)
  • password is too long (more than 100 chars)
  • internal error: something went wrong in the backend

For example, if we try to register a user whose email address is already registered:

>>> data = {'content_type': 'adhocracy_core.resources.principal.IUser',
...         'data': {
...              'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IUserBasic': {
...                  'name': 'New user with old email'},
...              'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IUserExtended': {
...                  'email': 'anna@example.org'},
...              'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IPasswordAuthentication': {
...                  'password': 'EckVocUbs3'}}}
>>> resp = anonymous.post('/principals/users', data)
>>> resp.status_code
>>> pprint(resp.json)
{'errors': [{'description': 'The user login email is not unique',
             'location': 'body',
             'name': 'data.adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IUserExtended.email'}],
 'status': 'error'}

Note: in the future, the registration request may contain additional personal data for the user. This data will probably be added to the “IUserBasic” sheets, if it’s generally public, to the “IUserExtended” sheet otherwise (or maybe it’ll be store in additional new sheets); e.g.:

'data': {
    'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IUserBasic': {
        'name': 'Anna Müller',
        'forename': '...',
        'surname': '...'},
    'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IPasswordAuthentication': {
        'password': '...'},
    'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IUserExtended': {
        'email': 'anna@example.org',
        'day_of_birth': '...',
        'street': '...',
        'town': '...',
        'postcode': '...',
        'gender': '...'

Account Activation

Before they have confirmed their email address, new users are invisible (hidden). They won’t show up in user listings, and retrieving information about them manually leads to a 410 Gone response (see Deleting Resources):

>>> resp = anonymous.get(user_path)
>>> resp.status_code
>>> resp.json['reason']

On user registration, the backend sends a mail with an activation link to the specified email address and sends a 2xx HTTP response to the frontend, so the frontend can tell the user to expect an email. The user has to click on the activation link to activate their account. The path component of all such links starts with /activate/. Once the frontend receives a click on such a link, it must post a JSON request containing the path to the activate_account endpoint of the backend:

>>> newest_activation_path = getfixture('newest_activation_path')
>>> data = {'path': newest_activation_path}
>>> resp = anonymous.post('/activate_account', data).json
>>> pprint(resp)
{'status': 'success',
 'user_path': '.../principals/users/...',
 'user_token': '...'}

The backend responds with either response code 200 and ‘status’: ‘success’ and ‘user_path’ and ‘user_token’, just like after a successful login request (see next section). This means that the user account has been activated and the user is now logged in.

>>> data = {'path': '/activate/blahblah'}
>>> resp = anonymous.post('/activate_account', data)
>>> resp.status_code
>>> pprint(resp.json)
{'errors': [{'description': 'Unknown or expired activation path',
             'location': 'body',
             'name': 'path'}],
 'status': 'error'}

Or it responds with response code 400 and ‘status’: ‘error’. Usually the error description will be one of:

  • ‘String does not match expected pattern’ if the path doesn’t start with ‘/activate/’
  • ‘Unknown or expired activation path’ if the activation path is unknown to the backend or if it has expired because it was generated more than 7 days ago. Note that activation links are deleted from the backend once the account has been successfully activated, and expired links may also be deleted. Therefore we don’t know whether the activation link was never valid (the user mistyped it or just tried to guess one), or it used to be valid but has expired. The message displayed to the user should explain that.

If the link is expired, user activation is no longer possible for security reasons and the user has to call support or register again, using a different email. (More user-friendly options are planned but haven’t been implemented yet!)

Since the user account has been activated, the public part of the user information is now visible to everybody:

>>> resp = anonymous.get(user_path).json
>>> resp['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IUserBasic']['name']
'Anna Müller'

Like every resource, the user has a metadata sheet with creation information. In the case of users, the creator is the user themselves:

>>> resp_metadata = resp['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.metadata.IMetadata']
>>> resp_metadata['creator']
>>> resp_metadata['creator'] == user_path

User Login

To log-in an existing and activated user via password, the frontend posts a JSON request to the URL login_username with a user name and password:

>>> data = {'name': 'Anna Müller',
...         'password': 'EckVocUbs3'}
>>> resp = anonymous.post('/login_username', data).json
>>> pprint(resp)
{'status': 'success',
 'user_path': '.../principals/users/...',
 'user_token': '...'}
>>> user_path = resp['user_path']
>>> user_token_via_username = resp['user_token']
>>> headers = {'X-User-Token': user_token_via_username}
>>> user = copy(anonymous)
>>> user.header = headers

Or to login_email, specifying the user’s email address instead of name:

>>> data = {'email': 'anna@example.org',
...        'password': 'EckVocUbs3'}
>>> resp = anonymous.post('/login_email', data).json
>>> pprint(resp)
{'status': 'success',
 'user_path': '.../principals/users/...',
 'user_token': '...'}
>>> user_token_via_email = resp['user_token']

On success, the backend sends back the path to the object representing the logged-in user and a token that must be used to authorize additional requests by the user.

An error is returned if the specified user name or email doesn’t exist or if the wrong password is specified. For security reasons, the same error message (referring to the password) is given in all these cases:

>>> data = {'name': 'No such user',
...         'password': 'EckVocUbs3'}
>>> resp = anonymous.post('/login_username', data)
>>> resp.status_code
>>> pprint(resp.json)
{'errors': [{'description': "User doesn't exist or password is wrong",
             'location': 'body',
             'name': 'password'}],
 'status': 'error'}

A different error message is given if username and password are valid but the user account hasn’t been activated yet:

{'description': 'User account not yet activated',
 'location': 'body',
 'name': 'name'}

User Authentication

Once the user is logged in, the backend must add add header field to all HTTP requests made for the user: “X-User-Token”. Its value is the received “user_token”, respectively. The backend validates the token. If it’s valid and not expired, the requested action is performed in the name and with the rights of the logged-in user.

Without authentication we may not post anything:

>>> resp = anonymous.options('/').json
>>> 'POST' not in resp
With authentication instead we may::
>>> resp = admin.options('/').json
>>> pprint(resp['POST']['request_body'])

If the token is not valid or expired the backend responds with an error status that identifies the “X-User-Token” header as source of the problem:

>>> broken = copy(anonymous)
>>> broken.header = broken_header
>>> resp = broken.get('/meta_api')
>>> resp.status_code
>>> sorted(resp.json.keys())
['errors', 'status']
>>> resp.json['status']
>>> resp.json['errors'][0]['location']
>>> resp.json['errors'][0]['name']
>>> resp.json['errors'][0]['description']
'Invalid user token'
>>> anonymous.header = {}

Tokens will usually expire after some time. (In the current implementation, they expire by default after 30 days, but configurations may change this.) Once they are expired, they will be considered as invalid so any further requests made by the user will lead to errors. To resolve this, the user must log in again.

Viewing Users

Without authorization, only very limited information on each user is visible:

>>> resp = anonymous.get(user_path).json
>>> resp['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IUserBasic']
{'name': 'Anna Müller'}
>>> 'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IUserExtended' in resp['data']
>>> 'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IPermissions' in resp['data']

Only admins and the user herself can view extended information such as her email address:

>>> resp = admin.get(user_path).json
>>> pprint(resp['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IUserExtended'])
{'email': 'anna@example.org', 'tzname': 'UTC'}
>>> 'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IPermissions' in resp['data']
>>> resp = user.get(user_path).json
>>> 'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IUserExtended' in resp['data']
>>> 'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IPermissions' in resp['data']

Other users, even if logged in, cannot:

>>> resp = participant.get(user_path).json
>>> 'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IUserExtended' in resp['data']
>>> 'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IPermissions' in resp['data']

Editing Users

User can edit their own data:

>>> headers = {'X-User-Token': user_token_via_username}
>>> user = copy(anonymous)
>>> user.header = headers
>>> data = {'data': {'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IUserBasic': {'name': 'edited_name'}}}
>>> resp = user.put(user_path, data).json
>>> len(resp['updated_resources']['modified'])

If they want to edit security-related information they need to pass their passwords in a custom header:

>>> headers = {'X-User-Token': user_token_via_username,
...            'X-User-Password': 'EckVocUbs3'}
>>> user = copy(anonymous)
>>> user.header = headers
>>> data = {'data': {'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IPasswordAuthentication': {'password': 'edited_password'}}}
>>> resp = user.put(user_path, data).json
>>> len(resp['updated_resources']['modified'])

If the header is missing the change is silently dropped:

>>> headers = {'X-User-Token': user_token_via_username}
>>> user = copy(anonymous)
>>> user.header = headers
>>> data = {'data': {'adhocracy_core.sheets.principal.IPasswordAuthentication': {'password': 'edited_password'}}}
>>> resp = user.put(user_path, data).json
>>> len(resp['updated_resources']['modified'])

Password Reset

If users forget their passwords, they can request a reset email:

>>> data = {'email': 'anna@example.org'}
>>> resp = anonymous.post('/create_password_reset', data).json
>>> resp['status']

The email contains a link that will allow them to enter a new password. Password reset also returns the credentials so that a user can login directly:

>>> newest_reset_path = getfixture('newest_reset_path')
>>> data = {'path': newest_reset_path(),
...         'password': 'new_password'}
>>> resp = anonymous.post('/password_reset', data).json
>>> pprint(resp)
{'status': 'success',
 'user_path': '.../principals/users/...',
 'user_token': '...'}

Security Considerations

  • The password-reset mechanism allows attackers that have access to a user’s email address to take over an account.
  • The password-edit mechanism allows attackers that have access to a user’s session and password to change the password. However, the user receives an email informing them about the change and about ways to recover their password (i.e. password-reset).
  • In the future we may want to allow users to change their email address. In this case attackers with access to a user’s session and password would be able to take over an account.
  • Once an account has been compromised it is not possible to recover. Legitimate users have no way to prove their legitimacy.