Deleting Resources

Anyone with the delete_resource permission can delete it by using the HTTP DELETE verb. Deleted resources can not be recovered.

Deleting an existing resource is only possible for updatable resources like Simple, Pools, Items, i.e. not for Versions as this would mess up the version DAG and not for AssetDownloads.

The effect of deleting is as follows:

  • All child/descendant resources (whose resource path includes the path of the deleted ancestor as prefix) are also deleted.
  • Deleted resources are no longer listed in parent pools or search queries.
  • If the frontend attempts to retrieve a deleted resource via GET, the backend responds with HTTP status code 404 Not Found, just as if the resource had never existed.
  • Deleted resources may not be referenced from other resources. If the frontend follows an outdated references it must therefore be prepared to encounter 404 Not Found responses and deal with them appropriately (e.g. by silently skipping them or by showing an explanation such as “Comment deleted”).
  • DELETE http method is idempotent

Hiding Resources

Apart from physically deleting a resource, it can also be marked as “hidden” using a boolean field (flag) defined in the adhocracy_core.sheets.metadata.IMetadata sheet. It default to false. If this sheet is omitted when POSTing new resources, the default value is used.

The usecase for deleting is that users want to withdraw some content. The usecase for hiding is that moderators want to hide unapproriate content.

Hiding an existing resource is only possible for updatable resources, i.e. not for Versions (which are immutable and hence don’t allow PUT).

Anyone with the hide permission (typically granted to the manager role) can hide a resource by PUTting an update with IMetadata { hidden: true }. Likewise they can un-hide a hidden resource by PUTting an update with IMetadata { hidden: false }. Nobody else can change the value of the hidden field.

The effect of these flags is as follows:

  • A positive value of the hidden flags is inherited by child/descendant resources (whose resource path includes the path of the hidden ancestor as prefix). Hence a hidden resource is one that has its own hidden flag set to true or that has an ancestor whose hidden flag is true.

  • Normally, only resources that are not hidden are listed in parent pools and search queries.

  • FIXME Not implemented yet, since the frontend doesn’t yet need it: The parameter include=hidden can be used to include hidden resources in pool listings and other search queries. If its value is hidden, resources will be found regardless of the value of their hidden flag. However, only those with hide permission are ever able to view the contents of hidden resources. It’s also possible to set include=visible to get only non-hidden resources, but it’s not necessary since that is the default.

  • If the frontend attempts to retrieve a hidden resource via GET, the backend normally responds with HTTP status code 410 Gone. FIXME Not implemented yet, since the frontend doesn’t yet need it: The frontend can override this by adding the parameter include=hidden to the GET request, just as in search queries. Managers (those with hide permission) can view hidden resources in this way. Those without this permission will still get a 410 Gone if the resource is hidden.

  • The body of the 410 Gone is a small JSON document that explains why the resource is gone (for future use if there may be other reasons than hidden). It also shows who made the last change to the resource and when:

    { 'reason': 'hidden',
      'modified_by': '<path-to-user>',
      'modification_date': '<timestamp>'}

    Often the last modification will have been the hiding of the resource, but there is no guarantee that this is always the case. Especially, the resource may be marked as hidden because one of its ancestors was hidden (as that status is inherited). In that case, the person who last modified the child resource likely has nothing to do with the person who hid the ancestor resource.

  • Hidden resources may still be referenced from other resources. If the frontend follows such references it must therefore be prepared to encounter 410 Gone responses and deal with them appropriately (e.g. by silently skipping them or by showing an explanation such as “Comment deleted”).

  • FIXME Not implemented yet, since the frontend doesn’t yet need it. Hidden resources will normally not be shown in backreferences, which are calculated on demand. The include=hidden parameter can be used to change that and include backreferences to hidden resources. The same restrictions apply, i.e. normal users can use this parameter to find out whether hidden backreferences exist, but they won’t be able to see their contents. In any case the frontend should be prepared to deal with 410 Gone when following backreferences in the same way as when following forward reference – even if it didn’t explicitly ask to include them, they might show up due to caching.

FIXME We should extend the Meta API to expose the distinction between references and backreferences to the frontend, currently only the backend knows this.


  • This document is about deletion of resources (JSON documents). Deletion of uploaded assets (images, PDFs etc.) is outside its current scope.
  • Currently, the hidden status of resources isn’t treated as special by the Websocket server. So, if an resource is flagged as hidden, a “modified” event is sent to subscribers of that resource and a “modified_child” event is sent to subscribers of the parent pool. FIXME At same point in the future, we might want to change that and send “removed”/”removed_item” messages instead.

A Censorship Example

Lets put the above theory into practice by hiding (censoring) some content!

Some imports to work with rest api calls:

>>> from pprint import pprint

Start adhocracy app and log in some users:

>>> log = getfixture('log')
>>> anonymous = getfixture('app_anonymous')
>>> participant = getfixture('app_participant')
>>> moderator = getfixture('app_moderator')
>>> admin = getfixture('app_admin')
>>> rest_url = getfixture('rest_url')

Lets create some content:

>>> data = {'content_type': 'adhocracy_core.resources.organisation.IOrganisation',
...         'data': {'': {'name':  'pool2'}}}
>>> resp ='/', data)
>>> data = {'content_type': 'adhocracy_core.resources.process.IProcess',
...         'data': {'': {'name': 'child'}}}
>>> resp ='/pool2', data)
>>> data = {'content_type': 'adhocracy_core.resources.organisation.IOrganisation',
...         'data': {'': {'name': 'pool1'}}}
>>> resp ='/', data)
>>> data = {'content_type': 'adhocracy_core.resources.process.IProcess',
...         'data': {'': {'name': 'child'}}}
>>> resp ='/pool1', data)
>>> data = {'content_type': 'adhocracy_core.resources.document.IDocument',
...         'data': {}}
>>> resp ='/pool1/child', data)
>>> document_creator = participant.user_path
>>> document_item = resp.json['path']
>>> document_first_version = resp.json['first_version_path']

As expected, we can retrieve the pool and its child:

>>> resp = anonymous.get('/pool2').json
>>> 'data' in resp
>>> resp = anonymous.get('/pool2/child').json
>>> 'data' in resp

Both pools show up in the pool sheet:

>>> resp = anonymous.get('/',  params={'elements': 'paths'}).json
>>> pprint(sorted(resp['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.pool.IPool']
...                        ['elements']))

Lets check whether we have the permission to delete resources. The person who has created a resource (creator role) has the right to delete it:

>>> resp = participant.options(document_item).json
>>> 'DELETE' in resp

But they cannot hide it:

>>> 'PUT' not in resp

– that special right is reserved to managers:

>>> resp = moderator.options(document_item).json
>>> 'adhocracy_core.sheets.metadata.IMetadata' \
...     in resp['PUT']['request_body']['data']

Note: normally the sheets listed in the OPTIONS response are just mapped to empty dictionaries, the contained fields are not listed. But IMetadata is a special case since not everybody who can delete a resource can hide it. Therefore, the presence of the ‘deleted’ and/or ‘hidden’ fields indicates that PUTting a new value for this field is allowed. Once more, the corresponding value is just a stub (the empty string) and doesn’t have any meaning.

Lets hide pool2:

>>> data = {'content_type': 'adhocracy_core.resources.pool.IBasicPool',
...         'data': {'adhocracy_core.sheets.metadata.IMetadata':
...                      {'hidden': True}}}
>>> resp = admin.put('/pool2', data).json

Inspecting the ‘updated_resources’ listing in the response, we see that pool2 was removed:

>>> resp['updated_resources']['removed']

Now we get an error message when trying to retrieve the pool2:

>>> resp = anonymous.get('/pool2')
>>> resp.status_code
>>> resp.json['reason']
>>> resp.json['modified_by']
>>> 'modification_date' in resp.json

Nested resources inherit the hidden flag from their ancestors. Hence the child of the pool2 is now hidden too:

>>> resp = anonymous.get('/pool2/child')
>>> resp.status_code
>>> resp.json['reason']

Only the pool1 is still visible in the pool:

>>> resp = anonymous.get('/', params={'elements': 'paths'}).json
>>> rest_url + '/pool1/' in resp['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.pool.IPool']['elements']
>>> rest_url + '/pool2/' in resp['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.pool.IPool']['elements']

Sanity check: internally, the backend uses a private_visibility index to keep track of the visibility/deletion status of resources. But this filter is private and cannot be directly queried from the frontend:

>>> resp = anonymous.get('/', {'private_visibility': 'hidden'})
>>> resp.status_code
>>> resp.json['errors'][0]['description']
'Unrecognized keys in mapping: "{\'private_visibility\': \'hidden\'}"'

Lets hide an item with referenced resources. Prior to doing so, lets check that there actually is a listed version:

>>> resp = anonymous.get(document_item)
>>> document_creator == resp.json['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.metadata.IMetadata']['creator']

Now we hide the item:

>>> data = {'content_type': 'adhocracy_core.resources.document.IDocumentItem',
...         'data': {'adhocracy_core.sheets.metadata.IMetadata':
...                      {'hidden': True}}}
>>> resp = moderator.put(document_item, data)
>>> resp.status
'200 OK'

The referenced user resource is affected by this change since its back references have changed. Therefore, it shows up in the list of modified resources:

>>> document_creator in resp.json['updated_resources']['modified']

In the end we can cleanup with some real deletion:

>>> resp = admin.delete("/pool1")
>>> resp.status_code

>>> resp.json['updated_resources']['removed']

>>> resp = admin.get("/pool1")
>>> resp.status_code