Assets and Images


Assets are files of arbitrary type that can be uploaded to and downloaded from the backend. From the viewpoint of the backend, they are just “blobs” – binary objects without any specific semantic.

Images are a subtype of assets; they can be resized and cropped to different target formats.

To manage assets, the backend has the adhocracy_core.resources.asset.IAsset resource type, which is a special kind of Pool.

Assets can be uploaded to an asset pool. Resources that provide an asset pool implement the adhocracy_core.sheets.asset.IHasAssetPool sheet, which has a single field:

asset_pool:path to the asset pool where assets can be posted

The adhocracy_core.resources.asset.IAsset resource type provides three sheets:

  • adhocracy_core.sheets.metadata.IMetadata: provided by all resources, automatically created and updated by the backend

  • adhocracy_core.sheets.asset.IAssetMetadata with only readonly fields:

    mime_type:the MIME type of the asset; The mime_type provided by the uploaded asset file will be sanity-check. The backend rejects the asset in case of a detectable mismatch (e.g. if the frontend posts a Word file the image mimetype “image/jpeg” is given). Not all mismatches will be detectable, e.g. different “text/” subtypes can be hard to distinguish.
    size:the size of the asset (in bytes)
    filename:the name of the file uploaded by the frontend (in the backend, the asset will have a different, auto-generated path)
    attached_to:a list of backreferences pointing to resources that refer to the asset
  • adhocracy_core.sheets.asset.IAssetData with a single field:

    data:the binary data of the asset (“blob”)

    This sheet is POST/PUT-only, see below on how to download/view the binary data.

For testing, we import the needed stuff and start the Adhocracy app:

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> log = getfixture('log')
>>> admin = getfixture('app_admin_filestorage')
>>> rest_url = getfixture('rest_url')

And an http server to test image download:

>>> import os
>>> import adhocracy_core
>>> httpserver = getfixture('httpserver')
>>> base_path = adhocracy_core.__path__[0]
>>> test_image_path = os.path.join(base_path, '../', 'docs', 'test_image.png')
>>> httpserver.serve_content(open(test_image_path, 'rb').read())
>>> httpserver.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/png'
>>> test_image_url = httpserver.url

We need a pool with an asset pool:

>>> data = {'content_type': 'adhocracy_core.resources.process.IProcess',
...        'data': {'': {
...                     'name':  'process'}}}
>>> resp_data ='/', data).json
>>> proposal_pool_path = resp_data['path']
>>> proposal_pool_path

We can ask the pool for the location of the asset pool:

>>> resp_data = admin.get(proposal_pool_path).json
>>> asset_pool_path = resp_data['data'][
...         'adhocracy_core.sheets.asset.IHasAssetPool']['asset_pool']
>>> asset_pool_path

Asset Subtypes, MIME Type Validators, resizing

Note: this section is mostly backend-specific.

The generic adhocracy_core.sheets.asset.IAssetMetadata sheet doesn’t limit the MIME type of assets. Since this is rarely desirable, it is considered abstract and cannot be instantiated – only subclasses that provide a MIME Type Validator can. Check out the adhocracy_core.sheets.image module for an example of how to do that.

To prevent confusing the frontend, you should also define a subclass of the adhocracy_core.resources.asset.IAsset resource type that uses the subclassed sheet instead of the generic one. See adhocracy_core.resources.image for an example.

In the examples that follow, we will use the subclassed example resource type and sheet.

The image will be automatically resized to all of the specified sizes. If the target aspect ratio is different from the original aspect ratio, the size that is wider/higher is cropped so that only the middle part of it remains. For example, if the original image has 1500x500 pixel and the target size is 500x250 (‘detail’ size in the above example), it will be scaled to 50% (750x250 pixel) and then 125 pixel to the left and 125 to the right will be cropped to reach the target size.

Uploading Assets

Assets are uploaded (POST) and updated (PUT) in a special way. Instead of sending a JSON document, the field names and values are flattened into key/value pairs that are sent as a “multipart/form-data” request. Hence, the request will have keys similar to the following:

content_type:the type of the resource that shall be created, e.g. “adhocracy_core.resources.image.IImage”
 the binary data of the uploaded file, as per the HTML <input type=”file” name=”asset”> tag.

But note that a concrete subsheet must be used instead of the generic IAssetMetadata sheet, matching the given resource type.

For example, lets upload a little picture and create a proposal version that references it. But first we have to create a proposal:

>>> prop_data = {'content_type': 'adhocracy_core.resources.document.IDocument',
...              'data': {}}
>>> resp =, prop_data)
>>> prop_path = resp.json['path']
>>> prop_v0_path = resp.json['first_version_path']

Now we can upload a sample picture:

>>> upload_files = [('data:adhocracy_core.sheets.asset.IAssetData:data',
...     'python.jpg', open('docs/_static/python.jpg', 'rb').read())]
>>> request_body = {'content_type': 'adhocracy_core.resources.image.IImage'}
>>> resp_data =, request_body,
...                        upload_files=upload_files).json

In response, the backend sends a JSON document with the resource type and path of the new resource (just as with other resource types). The resource name is generated randomly:

>>> resp_data['content_type']
>>> pic_path = resp_data['path']
>>> pic_path

If the frontend tries to upload an asset that is overly large (more than 16 MB), the backend responds with an error. Stricter size limits may be appropriate for some asset types, but they are left to the frontend.

Downloading Assets

Assets can be downloaded in different ways:

  • As a JSON document containing just the metadata
  • In case of images, in one of the cropped sizes defined by the ImageSizeMapper

The frontend can retrieve the JSON metadata by GETting the resource path of the asset:

>>> resp_data = admin.get(pic_path).json
>>> resp_data['content_type']
>>> resp_data['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.metadata.IMetadata']['modification_date']
>>> resp_image_meta = resp_data['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.image.IImageMetadata']
>>> pprint(resp_image_meta)
{'attached_to': [],
 'detail': '.../process/assets/.../0000000/',
 'filename': 'python.jpg',
 'mime_type': 'image/jpeg',
 'size': '159041',
 'thumbnail': '.../process/assets/.../0000001/'}

The actual binary data is not part of that JSON document:

>>> 'adhocracy_core.sheets.asset.IAssetData' in resp_data['data']

In case of images, it can retrieve the image binary data in one of the predefined cropped sizes by asking for one of the keys defined by the ImageSizeMapper as child element:

>>> resp_data = admin.get(resp_image_meta['detail'])
>>> resp_data.content_type
>>> detail_size = len(resp_data.body)

>>> resp_data = admin.get(resp_image_meta['thumbnail'])
>>> thumbnail_size = len(resp_data.body)
>>> thumbnail_size > 2000
>>> thumbnail_size < detail_size

Referring to Assets

Sheets can have fields that refer to assets of a specific type. This is done in the usual way be setting the type of the field to Reference (to refer to a single asset) or UniqueReferences (to refer to a list of assets) and defining a suitable reftype (e.g. with target_isheet = IImageMetadata).

Lets post a new proposal version that refers to the image:

>>> vers_data = {'content_type': 'adhocracy_core.resources.document.IDocumentVersion',
...              'data': {'adhocracy_core.sheets.document.IDocument': {
...                     'title': 'We need more pics!',
...                     'description': 'Or maybe just nicer ones?',
...                     'elements': []},
...                  'adhocracy_core.sheets.image.IImageReference': {
...                      'picture': pic_path},
...                  'adhocracy_core.sheets.versions.IVersionable': {
...                     'follows': [prop_v0_path]}},
...          'root_versions': [prop_v0_path]}
>>> resp =, vers_data)
>>> prop_v1_path = resp.json['path']
>>> prop_v1_path

If we re-download the image metadata, we see that it is now attached to the proposal version:

>>> resp_data = admin.get(pic_path).json
>>> resp_data['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.image.IImageMetadata']['attached_to']

Replacing Assets

To upload a new version of an asset, the frontend sends a PUT request with enctype=”multipart/form-data” to the asset URL. The PUT request may contain the same keys as a POST request used to create a new asset.

The data:adhocracy_core.sheets.asset.IAssetData:data key is required, since the only use case for a PUT request is uploading a new version of the binary data (everything else is just metadata).

If the content_type key is given, it must be identical to the current content type of the asset (changing the type of resources is generally not allowed).

Only those who have editor rights for an asset can PUT a replacement asset. If an image is replaced, all its cropped sizes will be automatically updated as well.

Since assets aren’t versioned, the old binary “blob” will be physically and irreversibly discarded once a replacement blob is uploaded.

Lets replace the uploaded python with another one:

>>> upload_files = [('data:adhocracy_core.sheets.asset.IAssetData:data',
...     'python2.jpg', open('docs/_static/python2.jpg', 'rb').read())]
>>> request_body = {'content_type': 'adhocracy_core.resources.image.IImage'}
>>> resp_data = admin.put(pic_path, request_body,
...                       upload_files=upload_files).json

As usual, the response lists the resources affected by the transaction:

>>> updated_resources = resp_data['updated_resources']
>>> sorted(updated_resources)
['changed_descendants', 'created', 'modified', 'removed']
>>> resp_data['updated_resources']['modified']
>>> rest_url + '/process/' in updated_resources['changed_descendants']

If we download the image metadata again, we see that filename and size have changed accordingly:

>>> resp_data = admin.get(pic_path).json
>>> resp_data['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.image.IImageMetadata']['size']

Predefined scaled+cropped views are automatically updated as well:

>>> thumbnail = resp_data['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.image.IImageMetadata']['thumbnail']
>>> resp_data = admin.get(thumbnail)
>>> len(resp_data.body) > 2000
>>> len(resp_data.body) == thumbnail_size

Deleting and Hiding Assets

Assets can be deleted or censored (“hidden”) in the usual way, see Deleting Resources.

Referring to external images

The image reference sheet also allows to refer to an external image url.

>>> resp = admin.get(prop_v1_path).json
>>> resp['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.image.IImageReference']['picture']
>>> resp['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.image.IImageReference']['external_picture_url']

If we set this field

>>> vers_data = {'content_type': 'adhocracy_core.resources.document.IDocumentVersion',
...              'data': {'adhocracy_core.sheets.image.IImageReference': {
...                          'external_picture_url': test_image_url},
...                       'adhocracy_core.sheets.versions.IVersionable': {
...                          'follows': [prop_v1_path]}}}
>>> resp =, vers_data)
>>> prop_v2_path = resp.json["path"]
>>> resp = admin.get(prop_v2_path).json
>>> resp['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.image.IImageReference']['external_picture_url']

the backend downloads and references the given image url. The old picture reference is replaced with the newly created image.

>>> resp['data']['adhocracy_core.sheets.image.IImageReference']['picture']