Caching strategy

Caching is realized on different levels:

  • Caching of static resources (javascript, html, css, images)
  • Caching of content resources

Caching static resources

The rough idea is to cache static resources (javascript, HTML, CSS, images) forever by adding a timestamp or checksum to a query string to each static resource file, which changes each time the file has changed. This allows both browser and proxy (e.g. varnish) caching.

Two mechanisms are used for static file caching at the moment:

  • HTML template files are joined together as a Javascript module, which can be used to prefill the angular template cache.

  • JS and CSS files are cached through pyramid_cachebust and custom code in adhocracy_frontend/ This adds a query string with a timestamp (frontend webserver start time) to each resource to be loaded.

    Pyramid 1.6 will contain native cachebusting functionality, so some things might be implemented differently then.

In the future, we may want to add individual checksums for each file instead of one timestamp for all to allow more fine-grained caching and decrease load after server restarts. However this would require a more sophisticated RequireJS setup, or concatenation of all Javascript files.

Caching content resources

Both backend and frontend cache content resources. Both caches are manually invalidated, triggered by the backend.

Backend resource caching (Varnish)

To be described.

Frontend resource caching

To be described.