

Requirements (Tested on DebianUbuntu, 64-Bit is mandatory):

  1. git
  2. python python-setuptools python-docutils
  3. build-essential libssl-dev libbz2-dev libyaml-dev libncurses5-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev python3-dev
  4. graphviz
  5. ruby ruby-dev
  6. gettext
  7. libmagic1

If you don’t use the custom compiled python (see below) you need some basic dependencies to build PIL (python image library):

  1. libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev (

Create SSH key and upload to GitHub

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""

Checkout source code

git clone
cd adhocracy3
git submodule update --init

Create virtualenv

pyvenv-3.5 .

If you don’t have python 3.5 on your system, you may compile python 3.5 and Pillow instead of creating a virtualenv

cd python
python ./
cd ..

Install adhocracy

./bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
./bin/python ./
./bin/buildout -N

Update your shell environment:

source ./source_env

Run the application

Start supervisor (which manages the ZODB database, the Pyramid application and the Autobahn websocket server):

./bin/supervisorctl start adhocracy:*

Check that everything is running smoothly:

./bin/supervisorctl status

Get information about the current workflow:

./bin/ad_set_workflow_state --info etc/development.ini <path-to-process>
# Example
./bin/ad_set_workflow_state --info etc/development.ini /mercator

Change the workflow state (most actions are not allowed for a normal user in the initial ‘draft’ state):

./bin/ad_set_workflow_state etc/development.ini <path-to-process> <states-to-transition>
# Example
./bin/ad_set_workflow_state etc/development.ini /mercator announce participate

Open the javascript front-end with your web browser:

xdg-open http://localhost:6551/

Shutdown everything nicely:

./bin/supervisorctl shutdown


If you encounter this error when starting adhocracy

Problem connecting to WebSocket server: ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused

delete the var/ file and retry again. This happens when the Websocket server is not shutdown properly.