Development Tasks

General Remarks

When changing the api, the frontend needs to re-generate the TypeScript modules providing the resource classes. This may trigger compiler errors that have to be resolved manually. For more details, see comment in the beginning of mkResources.ts.

Frontend wokflow

Run buildout once after switching project or the git branch. For changes to the TypeScript code it will now be sufficient to use bin/tsc or bin/tsc –watch (see tsconfig.json for settings used).

Running the Testsuite

frontend unit tests:

  1. In node:

    bin/polytester jsunit
  2. In browser:

    bin/supervisorctl start adhocracy:frontend
    xdg-open http://localhost:6551/static/test.html


    For debugging, it helps to disable blanket.


    Running JS unit test in the browser with blanket enabled is currently broken.

protractor acceptance tests:

bin/polytester acceptance


You need to have chrome/chromium installed in order to run the acceptance tests.

run backend functional tests:

bin/polytester pyfunc

run backend unit tests and show python test code coverage:

bin/polytester pyunit
xdg-open ./htmlcov/index.html

run all test:


to display console output:

bin/polytester -v

modify test config:

tests.ini (run all tests with polytester) pytest.ini (python/jasmin tests with pytest) etc/protractorConf (acceptantance tests with protractor)

delete database (works best on development systems without valuable data!):

rm -f ./var/Data.*
bin/supervisorctl restart adhocracy:*

If you are using the supervisor group adhocracy_test:*, you don’t have to delete anything. The database is in-memory and will die with the test_zodb service.

Generate html documentation

Recreate api documentation source files:


Generate html documentation:


Open html documentation:

xdg-open docs/build/html/index.html

Create scaffold for extension packages

  1. Run the following commands:

    bin/pcreate -s adhocracy adhocracy_xx
    bin/pcreate -s adhocracy_frontend xx

    In the current repository layout, you then need to move the generated directories (adhocracy_xx/ and xx/) to src/.

  2. Add the new paths to develop and eggs in base.cfg.

  3. Create buildout-xx.cfg

  4. Add src/adhocracy_xx to .coveragerc

  5. Add src/xx/xx/build to .gitignore

You may then want to run bin/buildout -c buildout-xx.cfg to check that everything works fine.

Update packages


Check whether new Python versions exist:

bin/ update-site -t a54831113b039e9edbb2d26c2d2f9a9c99887437 -r adhocracy3

You may then update the pinned Python versions in versions.cfg if appropriate.


bin/gem outdated  # binary may also be called bin/gem1.9.1 or bin/gem2.1


bin/npm --prefix node_modules --depth 0 outdated


cd .../lib  # where bower installs the libraries
bower list

Release Adhocracy

Adhocracy uses semantic versions with one extra rule:

Versions 0.0.* are considered alpha and do not have to follow the major-minor-patch rules of semantic versioning.

Git tag and must be the same string.

In order to create a new version, first make sure that:

  1. you are on master. (this rule is motivated by the fact that rebasing tags is really nothing we want to have to deal with.)
  2. the last commit contains everything you want to release and nothing else.
  3. you have git-pushed everything to origin.

Then, to upgrade to version 0.0.3, carry out the following steps:

  1. update to the new version (search for name=... and version=...). Commit this change.
  2. git tag -a 0.0.3 -m ‘...’. The commit comment can be literally ‘...’ if there is nothing special to say about this release, or something like e.g. Presentation <customer> <date>.
  3. git push –tags (I think git push and git fetch treat tags and commits separately these days; for the convoluted details, consult the man pages).

Browse existing tags and check out a specific release:

git tag
git checkout 1.8.19

Apply a hotfix to an old release:

git checkout -b 1.8.19-hotfix-remote-root-exploit 1.8.19
...  # (edit)
git commit ...
git tag -a 1.8.20 -m 'Fix: remote-root exploit'

There is more to tags, such as deleting and signing. See git tag –help.

Update translations backend

create new language:

bin/ad_i18n en

extract message ids, update po and create mo files:


compile custom po file in extension package:

cd src/adhocracy_meinberlin/adhocracy_meinberlin/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/
msgfmt --statistics -o adhocracy.po

#TODO helper script that updates/compiles all po files